Voting Rules

Voting Rules

You may vote for as many of the profiled companies as you like. The more potential you believe a company has–and the higher the likelihood you believe the company has for achieving its potential–the more stars you should rate such company. You may only vote for each company once. You may solicit the participation of others to vote on the merits of the profiled companies through media such as Twitter and LinkedIn.

Disruptive Investment of the Month

The company that receives the highest rating in each calendar month will have the best chance of being deemed the Disruptive Investment of the Month. To  ensure the integrity of the rankings, we consider other important issues such as the number of votes cast.

Editor’s Choice of the Month

The editors of Disruptive Investor will evaluate the ten companies that receive the highest rankings during that month, exclusive of the Disruptive Company of the Month. From among these companies and technologies, the editors will choose the company or technology that best meets the criteria described here.